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Our Trust Menopause Ambassador

Dr Nic Crossley, Menopause Ambassador

I'm Nic and as CEO I want to ensure we do all we can to provide a supportive working environment for all colleagues.

However, I have taken on the additional role of Menopause Ambassador because of my personal experience (which is ongoing!)

On this page, we offer a range of signposted support networks - and our Menopause Policy is reviewed annually, taking into account the latest research and best practice in supporting women and their families as they enter perimenopause and then menopause.

We are learning all the time - both through our own personal experiences and those of others - and we won't always get it right, but we are listening and acting so that improvements can be made.

For 2024-25, we are working towards the Menopause Friendly Accreditation, and I am confident that in working towards these standards we will be able to evidence our commitment fully.