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Our Trust Menopause Ambassador

Lisa Thompson, Menopause Ambassador

I'm Lisa Thompson.  I am the Head of Systems and Data Analytics, and have over 20 years' experience working across commercial, policing and education sectors.  In my role I provide support to the Executive to ensure the data we use supports wide scale strategic school improvement.

I wanted to be the Menopause Ambassador because as someone who suffered with terrible symptoms at a relatively young age and really struggled to get the support I needed I was so happy to see Liberty as an organisation putting menopause front and centre of its approach to supporting the well-being of its people.

I was shocked at the statistic that 1 in 4 women consider leaving their job due to menopause, and 1 in 10 do! Crippling symptoms and a lack of support are ruining women’s careers and I want to be part of ensuring that doesn't happen here at Liberty Academy Trust and that we can ensure we retain our most important asset which is our people.

I am looking forward to developing our approaches to menopause support in the workplace and hope we will be seen as sector-leading in the not-too-distant future.